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My Thoughts About Therapy – Youth (MTT-Y)

This form is about your thoughts and experiences with therapy. Select the answer that best tells how true each sentence is about how you usually feel. There are no right or wrong answers. Just select what you think describes you best.

I like meeting with my counselor.

I feel like I can tell my counselor anything.

My counselor understands my culture and values.

I feel like I am part of a team with my counselor.

I feel comfortable asking my counselor questions or raising concerns about counseling.

My counselor respects my opinions.

I help decide what we work on together.

The effort I put into counseling will pay off for me.

I believe my counselor knows how to help other people who are like me.

I’ve never have a bad experience with counseling in the past.

It’s OK if family or friends know I meet with a counselor.

I believe counseling is necessary to solve my problems.

I believe the work I do with my counselor will help me.

I think my counselor can help me.

If I skip a counseling appointment, I might fall behind.

I am on time for appointments with my counselor.

I make sure I get to my appointments with my counselor.

Counseling is convenient for me.

I tell my counselor about things that get in the way of me coming to counseling.

I am able to attend appointments even when there are other important things going on in my life.

Things do not get in the way of me attending appointments.

I know what we are working on in counseling.

What we are doing in counseling makes sense to me.

There is a clear purpose to each counseling session.

The work I do with my counselor fits with my goals.

My counselor measures if I am getting better.

I understand what I am supposed to do in counseling.

The counseling I receive is right for me.

I actively participate during appointments with my counselor.

I enjoy practicing new things with my counselor.

Counseling requires a manageable amount of work.

When I learn something new in counseling, I try to use it right away at home or at school.

My counselor shows me how to do a skill and then helps me try it out.

If I try a new skill and it doesn’t go well, I make sure to try again.

I follow my counselor’s suggestions.

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