Meet Alison Aldrich, MSW

Alison Aldrich, MSW
Highland Park Virtual

Alison received her Masters in Social Work from the University of Chicago.  She has experience working with at risk children, adolescents, adults and families.  

Alison approaches therapy with optimism, humility, respect, compassion and sensitivity, creating a therapeutic relationship that clients can trust. She is deeply committed to ensuring that the experience of therapy is positive and effective, continually seeking client feedback and adapting accordingly. 

Alison enjoys both the art and the science of therapy. She utilizes empirically tested techniques such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and also incorporates life experience and a passion for learning.  As a Mom of three young adult children, Alison also brings significant experience of parenting children through many different developmental stages and challenges. 

As a trained dancer, Alison further uses somatic techniques to assist clients.  She is also trained in singing and theater and uses creativity with clients, especially children. Outside of her work, she also enjoys hiking, downhill skiing and walking her dogs. 

Alison has an ability to quickly build rapport and put my daughter at ease.

— LOA Patient


University of Chicago

Master of Social Work

Stephens College

Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Public Policy

Clinical Interests:

Adolescent AnxietyBody-Focused Repetitive Behaviors (BFRBs)Child AnxietyDepressionFear of DogsFear of FlyingGeneralized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)Hair Pulling (Trichotillomania)HoardingMind-Body TherapyMindfulnessMotivational InterviewingMulticultural CounselingPANDASPanic DisorderParenting Support & CoachingPerfectionismPerformance & Public Speaking AnxietyPerinatal & Postpartum AnxietyPhobiasPost-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)School Anxiety & RefusalSkin Picking (Dermatillomania)Social AnxietyTourette Syndrome & Tic DisorderVomit Phobia (Emetophobia)Women's Health

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