Ask Light On Anxiety

Medical Marijuana & Anxiety

Recently, I was asked if I recommend medical marijuana for anxiety. Here is my answer: 

Medical marijuana for anxiety is an interesting topic with many differing opinions from medical professionals, government officials, and personal users. While some users of marijuana have reported that it is helpful for their anxiety, others argue that using marijuana can create more anxiety for a person. 

With both CBD and THC found in marijuana the effects of using the drug can differ depending on the ratio of each compound in the strand. What we know is that THC, an active chemical in cannabis, is the main psychoactive compound. Depending on how one reacts to doses of THC, this can give way to more anxiety for the person. CBD on the other hand, has had promising results. While limited, research suggests that this compound has a more relaxing effect and can be helpful for people who have anxiety.

Currently, anxiety is not an approved diagnosis for a medical marijuana card in Illinois. As there is no consistent legal status throughout the nation I suggest checking with your state’s regulations.  

Given that more research is needed into understanding the effects of marijuana, which doses are appropriate, and which strands are best for treating anxiety; I would not recommend medical marijuana for anxiety at this time.

If you have a similar questions or concern, please schedule a call with Light On Anxiety to explore effective treatment for your anxiety or related conditions.

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